Issue: Prestashop Module send to a friend add field

Add a Comment input text field or textarea in smarty template /themes/mytheme/modules/sendtoafriend/sendtoafriend-extra.tpl (Line 64)

<p class="text">
<[label for="friend_comment">
{l s='Friend Comment' mod='sendtoafriend'}]>
<[input id="friend_comment" name="friend_comment" type="text" value=""]>

Get your id value in javascript in /themes /mytheme /js /modules /sendtoafriend /sendtoafriend.js (Line 40)

var name = $('#friend_name').val();
var email = $('#friend_email').val();
var stf_comment = $('#friend_comment').val();

Put your value into ajax post function (Line 54)

	url: baseDir + 'modules/sendtoafriend/sendtoafriend_ajax.php?rand=' 
	+ new Date().getTime(),
	type: "POST",
	headers: {"cache-control": "no-cache"},
	data: {
	action: 'sendToMyFriend',
	secure_key: stf_secure_key,
	name: name,
	email: email,
	id_product: id_product,
	stf_comment: stf_comment

Now go to file /modules/sentoafriend/sendtoafriend_ajax.php (Line 50)

foreach ($friend as $key => $value)
	if ($value['key'] == 'friend_name')
	$friendName = $value['value'];
	elseif ($value['key'] == 'friend_email')
	$friendMail = $value['value'];
	elseif ($value['key'] == 'id_product')
	$id_product = $value['value'];
	elseif ($value['key'] == 'friend_comment')
	$friendComment = $value['value'];


	$friendName = Tools::getValue('name');
	$friendMail = Tools::getValue('email');
	$id_product = Tools::getValue('id_product');
	$friendComment = Tools::getValue('stf_comment');

(Line 77)

$templateVars = array(
			'{product}' => $product->name,
			'{product_link}' => $productLink,
			'{customer}' => $customer,
			'{name}' => Tools::safeOutput($friendName),
			'{friend_comment}' => Tools::safeOutput($friendComment)